Taylan Polat Flamenturco

The music of Taylan Polat, Flamenturco, is a surprisingly different fusion generated from the adaptations of the Turkish music to the flamenco touched and sung by him, as much for the naturalness of the result as for its artistic quality and freshness.

Flamenturco is the name of the artistic bet of Taylan Polat and at the same time its nickname. It is much more than an ornate word: it tells one of the most profound origins of flamenco, the music of the East. It is a trip to the past, joyful, nostalgic and dreamy.

On the other hand, Flamenturco, more than a fusion is a whisper to the ear that emphasizes the harmony and the coexistence between the cultures.


Taylan Polat was born in Divrigi (Turkey). From the age of five he lived in Istanbul. There began his interest in music, and began playing the guitar at the age of 15. He moved to Córdoba to study flamenco guitar at the Conservatorio Superior de Córdoba. Polat is the only Senior Flamenco Guitarist from Turkey. He is a flamenco guitarist, self-taught composer, Turkish cantaor and creator of a very personal style called «flamenturco» with which he interprets traditional cantes of his town and his own subjects.

He released his first flamenco guitar album entitled «La Vida Nueva» in 2014, with the collaboration of Erkan Oğur and Eduardo Trassierra.

He participated in the Soujournposse Festival «East meets West» in London, «Cosmopoética», International Festival «Rooted in the Wind» at the Avanti Theater in Córdoba, Noche Blanca de Córdoba, Flamenco Caraval Francia (Narbonne, Cahors, Nantes) . He gave a lecture on the fusion of arts and cultures at the University of Pavia. (Italy). He performed at the Festival Cine Africano, International Music Festival of the World of Almeria Alamar. Tangent Flamenco of Great Theater of Cordoba, Café Singer in Fosforito Flamenco Center of Cordoba.

Polat was invited and acted as an exemplary artist at the reception of the Alliance of Civilizations by the foreign ministers of Spain and Turkey. For the originality of his work and life trajectory, he has been interviewed by various means: Canal Sur Television, Radio3, El País newspaper, Turkish National Channel (TRT) …

He is currently a flamenco guitar teacher at the «Musica Ziryab» Conservatory in Córdoba.


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